Clarins – Double Serum

We are pleased to announce our first multi-million production for bi-dose product for Double Serum, a complete intensive anti-ageing treatment by Clarins.

The pack has been developed in collaboration with Clarins and can storage two separate ingredients that are mixed only once folded and opened. And naturally you can open it with only one hand! This allows long term storage in a controlled environment of each product, ensuring the performance and effectiveness of the compound at the time of the opening.

The innovative bi-dose system Easysnap has a place among the finalists Oscar packaging organized by the Salon de l’Emballage 2012.

Last but not least, this production includes real-time printing on our Easysnaps.

“Oscar de l’Emballage est une marque française déposée par la société GISI, organisatrice de l’évènement”